Cubs Term 2 Week 10 – Ten-pin bowling

Whangaparaoa Tenpin Bowling 14 Link Crescent, Stanmore Bay, Whangaparaoa, New Zealand

A fun night of ten-pin bowling to wrap up the term!

Scouts Term 3 Week 1 – Welcome Back

Whangaparaoa Scout Den 144 Stanmore Bay Road, Whangaparaoa, New Zealand

This first week back we’ll discuss our term’s programme, and cover some basic First Aid to make sure we’re prepared for the fun term ahead.

Keas Term 3 Week 1 – Nature Scavenger Hunt

Whangaparaoa Scout Den 144 Stanmore Bay Road, Whangaparaoa, New Zealand

Nature is a captivating playground for our Keas. It’s time to craft binoculars and embark on a nature adventure exploring the natural world that surrounds us to discover winter wonders and develop observation skills.

Cubs Term 3 Week 1 – Welcome Back

Whangaparaoa Scout Den 144 Stanmore Bay Road, Whangaparaoa, New Zealand

Welcome to Term 3! We'll make badge presentations from Term 2 and revisit foundational aspects of scouting.

Scouts Term 3 Week 2 – Rope work

Whangaparaoa Scout Den 144 Stanmore Bay Road, Whangaparaoa, New Zealand

Understand and practice climbing rope and harness basics. Plus practice scarf rolling (Scout Scarf Day 1st August).

Keas Term 3 Week 2 – Egg Carton Seedlings

Whangaparaoa Scout Den 144 Stanmore Bay Road, Whangaparaoa, New Zealand

Growing seedlings in egg cartons can be both fun and rewarding. In this meet our Keas will learn about germination and nature’s way of bringing life to the world. We'll then create a mini garden to watch the transformation from a dormant seed to a vibrant plant over the following weeks.

Cubs Term 3 Week 2 – Egg Carton Seedlings

Whangaparaoa Scout Den 144 Stanmore Bay Road, Whangaparaoa, New Zealand

Learn about germination and nature's way of bringing life to the world; create a mini garden to watch the transformation from a dormant seed to a vibrant plant over the following weeks.

Keas Term 3 Week 3 – Twig Rafts

Whangaparaoa Scout Den 144 Stanmore Bay Road, Whangaparaoa, New Zealand

Forests are like Earth’s natural water factories - they collect, store, and distribute water to keep everything thriving. In this meet we’ll discover some of the watery highways that flow through forests. Then it's time to set sail by letting your creativity flow and making your own miniature raft using twigs, flax, leaves and grasses and watch it float downstream.

Cubs Term 3 Week 3 – Rat Trap Building

Whangaparaoa Scout Den 144 Stanmore Bay Road, Whangaparaoa, New Zealand

We’ll be doing our bit to help protect our local ecosystem by building rat traps under the guidance of Forest & Bird.

Scouts Term 3 Week 4 – Masterchef Planning

Whangaparaoa Scout Den 144 Stanmore Bay Road, Whangaparaoa, New Zealand

Two parts to this evening: planning for Masterchef later in the term, and learning to sew (so we can get our badges on our uniform!)

Keas Term 3 Week 4 – Bird Feeders

Whangaparaoa Scout Den 144 Stanmore Bay Road, Whangaparaoa, New Zealand

Birds play vital roles in forest ecosystems. In this meet Keas will develop an understanding and appreciation of these feathered inhabitants and how they've shaped plant life globally. We’ll then be making a pinecone bird feeder so they can enjoy watching the birds feast on this natural treat!